Sunday, May 5, 2024

April 22 to May 5


A lot of indifference here, to be frank. I finished my rings 7 of 14 days in these days. I got a few things done - I'm getting back to the daily swims. I'm looking at the garage and getting stuff to get it ready for the summer training. The lake is calling out for my kayaks. I also have a few RV trips to get ready for soon.

Lots of trips out to the RV - those have become a nice chance to connect and chat with my wife. We've had a lot of thoughts shared about retirement and fitness and things we want to do. All good, all good. 

Workouts these days were generally stretching in the mornings, walks during the days and/or rugby coaching ... don't laugh, lots of walking in these sessions ... and then some swims in the evenings. 

and the side hustle ... which brought me some crappy news from the CRA this year. Yeah, we is done with that side hustle man. 

Lots more time for me to do cool shit. 

Sunday, April 21, 2024

April 8 - 21


Yeah yeah ... I know

What's that line ... what's that line about habits eating everything ... yeah, I know now: "Habits eat everything."

Yeah, I got into some "lazy" habits these days - that's in air quotes because they are not really lazy, they are just habits that are not helping me out. 

Habits and injury have killed this resurgence I've been trying to foster for the last six or so months. Yeah, I was getting happier and the such. Shrug. 

I kept up my morning routine with stretching for the most part. I was still getting my walks done on my lunches. Still running an after-work session for others. But no evening workouts for me. No swimming, no HIIT workouts. I did take my wife for a swim Saturday night. Had a few date nights, too. Nice and boring husband stuff. 

I'm doing a lot of movement, just not making much progress. I'm not getting those confused, but I need to get my injuries healed and my mind back on track.

Dude, we'll begin again.

Monday, April 8, 2024

April 1-7


This is what is going down April 8

It was made readily apparent this week that "my habits eat everything". Don't credit me for coming up with that pearl of wisdom, dear reader ... I totally stole it from somewhere, probably Charles Duhigg. 

I got the circles all completed four times this week - and that was with myself dragging my own rear end over the finishing line, one centimetre at a time. Man, just ... ugh.

Most days looked like this:

Morning routine - mobility with some strength training before the day starts

Mid-morning walk to get some steps in and move the legs a bit

Later in evening swim in order to end the day and get some cardio done.

On Tuesday I did actually make a BJJ session. It is a tiny club near my house, but it has a committed instructor and mats. What else do you need?

Monday, April 1, 2024

March 24 to 31


Yeah, this was just bad. A real struggle - and I closed the standing rings, but not much else this week. 

Made some decisions about training, if not consciously, at least with my actions. I did get some rugby training done, but between having to work full time and be a dad, not much went well here. 

Shrug. I'll get back to it. 

Sunday, March 24, 2024

March 4 to 23

Got this streaming in the garage this week. 

This was a weird time. Like life is just generally weird as I have to deal with people, but this was a weird time.

First of all, I had two teeth removed in the middle of this. Ugh, 2/10 do not recommend. Recovery was generally ok, but the memories of it will be something that will annoy my mind for a while. 

Just to add - during the setup, the dentist took my BP and it was not good. Higher than I had it taken at the doctor's office a few weeks ago. Yes, I was being put under some stress, but it shouldn't have been that high. I think the equipment was more reliable at the doctor's office, but I'll have to get that checked. 

Secondly, it was my spring week off and my ability to sleep and help myself feel like absolute doggy dirt is incredible. I lay in my bed and didn't do much the week I was off. No cool adventures, no trips to the pool or art galleries ... nothing. My spouse was dealing with the death of her father and so I was left to myself to take care of two teenagers. This is hard at the best of times, but during sad times it is that much harder. 

The week after the tooth removal was a lot better for my health. Slept well probably with the help of the anti-inflammatory meds as well as the antibiotics. Whatever, the days after the event, sleep was good and deep. Getting myself up to stretch was easy and getting back into the pattern of daily life was easy. 

Stretch in the morning, some sort of session in the evening. Once or twice I had to do a ten-minute yoga session later on in the day to finish off the circles. I also had afternoon rugby sessions which got my step count up, as well as my heart rate going. Friday was a swim which could have ended after ten minutes, but I stretched it out to be a decent workout. 

Saturday was a HIIT workout and a swim. At least rugby was added during this time, but I need something else, something fun. I'm thinking since the evening will be more sunlight, hiking in the local provincial park should be in order. That'll be awesome.


Sunday, March 3, 2024

Feb 25 to March 3


This might have been unmotivating

Meh, the struggle to find discipline continues. Just all over the place and exhaustion is real at the moment. Swimming, when it happens is going well. Not much soreness in the shoulder. Had a massage this week and learned a few new stretches for the legs and shoulders. 

I really do need to get the limitless cardio from running started.  I did a HIIT session this week but did not close the rings three times. Meh, I am over 50 percent for the week, but just barely. Morning sessions did get done every day this week, so there is a silver lining here. 

I have been thinking about plans for a return to combat sports, but then money becomes the key issue. I think about expanding the side hustle, and then time becomes the key issue. Diet is also a thing to factor in these days as well. 

I am grateful that February is over and that the warmer weather means I can return to hiking and being out on the water. I look forward to that for sure. 

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Feb 13 to 24


Thing of beauty

Whoa, this wasn't the best month for me. I'm just looking into the numbers and seeing them together to write this post, I'm just seeing that. Hmmm. Interesting.

I missed five of the ten days to be discussed in this post. I did a rugby session and went on a hike, along with a pool shutdown and a flare-up of my hip that was memorable. I also had a five-day weekend and enough free coffee to sink a ship. 

For several of the days I missed, I just didn't want to get my morning routine done. Period. I woke up and lay there with TikTok running through my brain. It was sad. I did do a nice 45-minute HIIT session a few times, but man, that wasn't enough for the circles.  

On Tuesday the 20th, I finally had enough and got back to stretching in the morning and getting my hips to move every day. On Wednesday and every day since I've been able to get back to an evening swim. 

Burn out, quitting and recovering all in one month. How exciting. 

I did get out on a hike this morning, out to the beach near my house. The rest of my family was sleeping and I got to see some very cold waves.